57th Biel-Bienne Festival: An exciting program! Registration is now open!

by clement

We’re going back to two week-and-a-half tournaments for the classic cadence opens – and we’ll be back to the classic cadence opens – with two week-and-a-half tournaments for the classic cadence opens. MTO and ATO -with greater freedom for the most gifted amateurs to play against semi-professionals and professionals. Indeed, the Elo limit for the MTO has been lowered to 1900. Players between 1900 and 2000 Elo now have a choice between the Tournoi des Maîtres (MTO) and the Tournoi des Amateurs (ATO).

Two morning tournaments are organized during the last week of the Festival: the WT1 for players up to 1799 Elo and the WT2 for players with 1800 Elo or more. The most assiduous players who accumulate ATO+WT1 or ATO vs MTO+WT2 will pay only the half the registration fee for the weekday tournament, which will also delight those returning from Flims or who only have five days to devote to chess during the summer vacations, but want to be able to play at least once in their lives in the same room as the cream of the world’s elite.

And indeed, at the elite level, the Grand Masters Tournament, which we presented in our press release of March 08is even stronger than last year, with an Elo average of over 2700! What’s more, the Challengers Tournament is the birth of its little brother.

So combine business with pleasure and come and measure your chess strength alongside the world’s best! Please note that payment of registration for foreigners can be made in CHF or €, at the rate of 1=1.

For further information:

Tatjana Kraska Horvath, Secretary, office@bielchessfestival.ch, +41 32 589 68 68

Florian Zarri, for regulatory matters, arbiter@bielchessfestival.ch

Paul Kohler, Tournament Director: paul.kohler@bielchessfestival.ch

Peter Bohnenblust, Chairman of the Organizing Committee: +41 76 405 80 87

Program of the Biel Chess Festival 2024:


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