09/18/2024 – The 45th Chess Olympiad 2024 takes place in Budapest (Hungary) in eleven rounds from September 11th to 22nd (rest day on the 17th – rounds start at 3pm CEST, except the last one at 11am, to be continued). here with live comments from the organization team) at the cadence 90’+30′ +30”, no draw proposed before the 31st move, with national teams of 4 players + 1 substitute. In the event of a tie on points per team, the tie-breakers are as follows: 1-sum of points on the chessboard against the opponents of the 10 best teams played; 2-sum of points accumulated on the chessboard; 3-sum of match points against the 10 best teams played. 197 men’s teams entered (seeds: USA (average Elo 2757), India (2753) and China (2724)) against 184 women (India (2467), Georgia (2462) and Poland (2422) – with a B team made up of young hopefuls, China is 4th on the starting list (2416)).
Olympiad 2024: round 7 live