Encyclopedia of Openings 2024 | ChessBase

by clement

Easy access to the theory of Openings

Anyone seriously interested in the subject of chess openings cannot do without this Encyclopedia. The new 2024 edition is by far the most comprehensive work on the subject. With its 1,463 reports, 66 exceptional new articles and 300 new or updated studies, its 75 videos – a total of 27 hours of video – as well as its new and updated video tutorials, the Encyclopedia is by far the most complete work on the subject. For beginners, there are explanatory tutorials for each Aperture theme that will delight beginners and false beginners alike, not to mention GM Dorian Rogozenco’s columns on current trends, so you really are likely to gain a decisive advantage!

Improved menu structure

The 1’463 reports are specified not only by the name of the Aperture, but also by the variant notation, which is a great advantage for faster searching. Each of these reports can be accessed with a single click, and it’s just as easy to switch from one item to another, so you can find your favorite opening quickly and easily!

Current trends in openings played by the world’s elite

New in the Encyclopedia of Openings 2024: GM Dorian Rogozenco presents a video on current trends in Openings played by the world’s elite. For example, among the nine videos lasting a total of 2 hours, he highlights the importance of the Sicilian Najdorf variant and the Ragozin defense of the Gambit ♕.

75 videos with a total duration of 27h

The new edition includes an updated collection of 75 videos by renowned authors: Daniel King, Dorian Rogozenco, Rustam Kasimdzhanov, Luis Engel, Markus Ragger, Mihail Marin, Erwin l’Ami and many more.

Over 27 hours of video study await you, which, together with the tutorials, give you an overview of all known Aperture systems. From here, you can go straight to the opening reports with a single click.

New highlights:

  • 1’463 Aperture reports with professional analysis.
  • 75 Overtures videos with a total duration of 27h.
  • 9 videos on current trends by GM Dorian Rogozenco.
  • Tutorials for beginners, explaining all Openings in detail.
  • 7’679 articles from Openings.
  • Intuitive menu structure, searchable by opening name and easy access.


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